Sunday, December 6, 2009


Dear friends,

Do you know this man, the great man, the great rationalist, forefather of our region?

He made the first amendment in the Constitution of India, without any MPs with him
He is the father of reservations in our country
He is the social scientist, awarded by the UNESCO as Socrates of Southern Asia
He founded the Self respect movement first in the world
He spent his lifetime wholly for the society, for the upliftment of women and all the downtrodden
He created social awareness for our society
He made Tamizh language simple by making some notations
He eradicated caste discriminations in our society
He preached humans are equal i.e., males are equal to females
He is the man behind the abolishing of KULAKALVI THITTAM
He is the first man to remove the caste surnames followed with human names
He explains discipline, as what we expect from others is the same they will expect from us in all matters
He held many agitations, demonstrations, speeches and had been arrested for numerous times for social causes
His service for the society is noble and cannot be done by anybody hereafter for this society like him
Finally he says No God has created this world, if so he is asking why he created with all these inequalities, discriminations and difficulties
What do you say now?
Give your reply?

And he is

EVR Ramasamy, Thanthai Periyar


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